2012 Hobie Getaway for sale
2012 Hobie Getaway for Sale
Asking $6,000
- Galvanized Trailer
- New Tires
- New Bearings
- New Spare Tire
- All Working Lights
- Boat
- 2012
- Wing Seats
- Sails, Tramps, Wings in all in great shape
- Spinaker
- Replaced All Standing Rig in 2017
Easy to rig takes about 20 min after some practice.
Fun for whole family easily, fast and safe to sail even with little guys on board. I sailed this boat with my five kids every summer since we purchased the boat. My teenagers now take it out on their own. My wife feels safe with our 2 year old on this boat. It is difficult to flip and easy to right. I actually never pitched this boat on accident, just for practice.
The plastic hulls make the boat a bullet proof sailing platform. The float on the top prevents the boat from turtling. The boom-less sail makes sailing with kids safe and fun.
Always stored covered.
The spinnaker adds some extra fun, there really is nothing like sailing with a beautiful spinnaker.
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